Chris Bro, a Palatine, Illinois, native and radio deejay now lives in New York. He hosts All Things Next on WERB 107.5 GLOBAL RADIO.
Music is life. New music keeps you young at heart. Or at least gets you out of a rut. New music engages the brain. It keeps you guessing.
In a recent interview in the Chicago Tribune Bro said:
“I think I’m quite obsessed with finding new music because I want to go back and hear Pearl Jam for the first time. Or The Beatles. I remember discovering The Clash or The Replacements. I want that feeling again. So many all-time favorite songs and bands I’d love to have the experience of hearing them again for the first time.”

I’m continually searching for my new favorite song. It’s an insatiable quest.
Next is your place for new music discovery… one of these songs may be your next new favorite song.
To listen to ALL THINGS NEXT on demand, click here.
Website: http://allthingsnext.com/
Twitter: @ChrisBroNext
Spotify: spotify:user:chrisbronext