MTV’s 42nd Anniversary
A significant date has recently passed for all lovers of 80’s music. The launch of MTV on August 1, 1981. It’s so hard to believe that 42 years have passed. It seems like it was just yesterday!
A significant date has recently passed for all lovers of 80’s music. The launch of MTV on August 1, 1981. It’s so hard to believe that 42 years have passed. It seems like it was just yesterday!
Metal Music Writer Teri Saccone (S2 | E61) Teri Saccone, rock & roll writer, joins us for the first of many interviews. We discuss classic rock, rock & roll magazine writing and a bit about Teri’s long history with the music industry. About Teri Saccone (from her website) My writing career began in music in…
Heaven 17: Three Records – Penthouse and Pavement, The Luxury Gap, How Men Are. A heated look on a cold stormy day. 80’s Synthpop.